SCSC II Policies & Procedures

Range Usage

  1. Guests shall be limited to 5 persons and must stay on the same range as the member.
  2. Usage/donation of ranges to outside groups is at the approval of the Board.
  3. Ranges east of the 50 meter will be open to shooting during clubhouse rentals until dusk.
  4. Alcohol permitted only in the clubhouse.
  5. Board-approved scheduled shoots and range rentals are permitted on any range during SCSC II Gun Shows with appropriate barricades.
  6. Members shall clean up their shooting and target point upon completion of range use.
  7. The use of full auto Class 3 firearms is not restricted; however, their use on the 300 meter and 500 yard range must be via use of a bi-pod or tripod.
  8. No vehicles allowed on any firing line or inside range structures unless approved by the Board of Directors.


  1. All board-approved shoots must have proof of insurance on file with SCSC II. All board-approved shoots must have Safety Committee reviewed shoot safety plan on file.
  2. Any organized training classes at SCSC II must be scheduled with the Club President.
  3. Any trainer conducting classes at SCSC II may be required to show their credentials.


  1. All new members must attend the SCSC II Safety & Orientation Presentation before receiving an RFID card and full membership.
  2. Only Safety Committee approved persons shall be qualified to give the new member Safety & Orientation Presentation.
  3. Written minutes shall be taken of all official SCSC II proceedings and shall be approved at the next assembly of the body that the minutes were taken.
  4. An SCSC II member becomes inactive if their dues have not been paid by January 1st..
  5. Only the Board of Directors can waive membership dues.
  6. Any SCSCII member and/or guest violations of SCSCII policies and procedures reported through the President or his designee, shall be investigated by a special committee of at least three(3) members, with no conflict of interest to the incident, composed of 1-2 board members appointed by the Chair and 1-5 SCSCII members, in good standing, chosen from a pool of volunteers. The Chief RSO shall join the committee if the matter involves range safety. Upon completing the investigation, the committee shall report their findings and recommendations to the Board.
  7. Members may rent the Clubhouse for $300, a maximum of two times per year, unless approved by the Board. Members may rent a range for $250/day. Members may rent the Clubhouse for a wake for $100. If a member in good standing passes, there is no fee for a wake.
  8. Members paying dues after February 28th shall be assessed a late fee of $25.00, as per Bylaws Art. VII Finance, Section 1.
  9. All new members joining on or after November 1st will have dues apply for the remainder of the current year and the following calendar year.

Club Shooting Events

  1. The Board of Directors and the Club President will have an annual planning and scheduling meeting with all current shoot directors.
  2. All proceeds from events shall be turned in promptly to the President, preferably within 30 days of end of the event.
  3. All shoot directors shall have their membership annual dues waived by the Board of Directors while serving as coordinator.
  4. Any club shooting event or member range rental must initially be approved by the Board. All board-approved shoots must have a current Shooting Event Safety Plan on file. The Shoot Director reserves the right to exclude a participant for any reason.
  5. All members of the SCSC II Safety Committee must be currently certified NRA Range Safety Officers.
  6. All outside groups that hold a shooting event have a Certified RSO who is also a member of the club with the current credentials on file with the club and be present at the event. The RSO shall not shoot while acting in the capacity of Safety Officer.
  7. Any time a shoot director wants to move their approved scheduled match to a different range temporarily,, they must first obtain consent from the President. This allows us to inform general members on the website calendar which ranges are open and which ranges are being used.
  8. Non-members are not permitted to participate in sanctioned shoots until they sign up to become an Associate Member. The only guests allowed during sanctioned shoots are dependents, 17 and under, and the spouse of a member (Associate or Full). Dependents 17 and under are not charged.
  9. All member shooting events have a certified RSO present at the event. Current credentials must be on file with the Club.

Club Officers

  1. When a vacancy in a paid SCSC II position occurs or is upcoming (i.e., retirement, quitting or being released of the position), all paid club officers and staff positions shall be advertised to the membership and may be advertised to the public as well, if desired.
  2. The SCSC II President: oversee the day-to-day operations of the club, preside over the general meeting, signatory on all club accounts, implementing policies and procedures, coordinate with other departments, respond to email and phone communications, collect and sort mail, deal with applicable government agencies, distribute/review financial statements along with the Secretary and Treasurer, make bank deposits, provide a report to the directors monthly of club activities and what has been done, schedule all club events and maintain club calendar, schedule clubhouse rentals, collect monies and forms, procedures and security, follow up on rental activity, order supplies for club, oversee deliveries (fuel, dumpster, fill dirt, propane), oversee the collecting of bids on club projects unless otherwise decided by the Board, act as 1 of the 2 people to administer the club security systems.
  3. The SCSC II Secretary: e-mail blast, maintain files, recording of minutes, sign copies of the minutes, distribute newsletter, RFID cards, roster, deal with applicable government agencies, collect and sort mail, review financial statements along with the President before giving to the Treasurer. Maintain the club calendar and other applicable changes to the SCSCII Web Site, as well as having access to SCSCII Social Media.
  4. The SCSC II Treasurer: Provide a monthly detailed Profit & Loss Report, collects invoices, monitor statements, pay debts, organize and file receipts, maintain all petty cash accounts, coordinate as needed with other officers and the Board, complete W-4’s, W2’s, State IT-4, FICA, Medicare, BWC, OJFC, 1099’s, tax reports, quarterly as well as yearly reports and other related forms. Maintain filing of necessary records, support CPA activities, serve as ex officio member of the Finance and Audit committee, collect renewals, serve as signatory on club accounts, and generally reconcile the finances of the SCSCII.

Board of Director Meetings

  1. Roberts Rule of Orders shall serve as a guideline for all SCSC II BOD meetings.
  2. The following order of business for all BOD meetings shall be:

Call to Order: “time meeting starts”

Roll Call:

“Directors” (note: present or absent)

“Officers” (note: present or absent)


“Are there enough Directors present to conduct business? Shall be recorded in the minutes”


“Corrections and approval of the minutes of the previous BoD Meeting”

Secretary’s Report:

Treasurer’s Report:

President’s Report:

Special Presentations/Programs/Guests:

“If there is to be a talk, film or other program of a cultural, educational or civic nature, it is to be presented during this time slot. Outside entities having business with SCSCII will address the Board of Directors during this time”

“Anyone wishing to utilize this time slot needs to contact the Secretary, President or BoD prior to the meeting to be placed on the agenda”

Open Forum:

“Club members who have issues to address with the Board, will present here. A 3-minute time limit”

Committee Reports:

Standing committees: “Permanent committees outlined in the By-Laws”

Ad Hoc committees: “Temporary committees approved by the BoD”

Unfinished Business:

New Business:


“Upcoming General Meeting and Director’s Meeting dates/times”


“As per RR In Brief, p.17 sec.E, the Chair can declare the meeting adjourned without a motion”

Minutes approved: ___________________

Chairman’s signature: _________________

Secretary’s signature: _________________

  1. Printed minutes of the previous month’s Director’s meeting will be signed and dated by the Secretary and Chair once minutes are approved.
  2. Executive session minutes will be approved only in executive session. Printed copies will be stamped original and archived in the club safe only for Board records.
  3. Minutes of the membership meeting will be approved by the membership and signed by the Secretary and Club President at the following meeting.
  4. Membership meeting minutes and Director’s meeting minutes will be available at membership meetings or by request.
  5. Recording of any type audio and or visual shall be prohibited at all SCSC II Board of Directors meetings except for the Secretary who may choose to record the proceedings for the sole purpose of transcription of the minutes. Upon completion of the transcription of the minutes, the recordings must be destroyed by the Secretary.
  6. Club minutes shall not be distributed or made public until they have been approved by the Board of Directors.

Club Operations

  1. The Club President and 1 Director, who is board-appointed by the Board of Directors, shall have operational knowledge and access of the security system
  2. Control of the SCSCII Web Site is limited to the IT Committee and the Secretary. Control of the SCSCII social media will be controlled by the IT Committee, the Secretary and 1 club member in good standing, chosen by the BOD.
  3. All pertinent SCSC II pass codes, and passwords and combinations, such as but not limited to the club house security system code, safe combinations of all safes and lock combinations, be changed on the vacating of any club officer or interim officer position.
  4. Upon vacating their position or office, anyone shall return all pertinent SCSC II property and documents, such as but not limited to keys, pass codes, passwords, credit cards, flash drives and receipts for the prior 30 days, cash and SCSC II equipment to the Board of Directors.
  5. Used SCSC II club equipment may be put up for sealed bid auction with a minimum reserve. Membership shall be given first opportunity to bid. Notification will be in at least one general meeting and/or one newsletter.
  6. A record of all current passwords and codes shall be kept on file in the SCSCII office. A copy of all building and maintenance keys shall be kept in the SCSCII office.
  7. The following bills may be paid without prior Board of Directors approval pending funds availability: all taxes, insurance, refuse removal, porta-potties, electricity, phone/internet, heating fuel, equipment fuel, security monitoring, office supplies, cleaning supplies, salaries of officers, postage, printing, credit card, tax preparation, organizational membership dues, start up money for scheduled shoots. The Club President shall be authorized to spend up to $600.00 per month for misc.
  8. The Treasurer will donate $1000 to the NRA-ILA when the NRA 50/50 Raffle Account reaches at least $1000, so long as the Club NRA 50/50 raffle continues.
  9. All election materials shall be destroyed within 90 days following an election.
  10. Credit card convenience fees to be charged for new members @ $6 and for renewals @ $4
  11. Checks issued require only one signature for amounts up to $4999.99 and two signatures for amounts over $5000.00
  12. The Club Treasurer shall transfer $15,000 from savings to checking when/if checking falls below $15,000
  13. A fee of $30 shall be charged for an NSF check.